Teeth Cleanings: What Is a Dental Deep Clean?

Casey Ledford23 February 2023

Are you looking for a beautiful, new, picture-worthy smile? CDG can help! Although maintaining good oral hygiene requires routine dental cleanings, did you realize there are several levels of cleaning? Sometimes a dental hygienist’s routine cleaning is inadequate, so you may need to take the next step! You may require a deep dental cleaning to heal your gums if bacteria gets under your gum line. This is a very common procedure, so no need to feel like you’re in this alone or have second thoughts about it. This procedure is definitely worth the brand new smile you will receive! 

What Makes Dental Deep Cleanings Different from Regular Dental Cleanings?

The teeth at and above the gum line are the main focus of routine dental cleanings. These non-invasive cleanings, which are advised for the majority of patients every six months, are essential for preserving good oral health. Scaling and root planing, another name for dental deep cleaning, uses specialized methods to remove bacteria, tartar, and plaque from your tooth roots down to the gum line. This stops gum disease from spreading and taking away teeth. In general, preventative maintenance is the major objective of routine cleanings, while the main objective of deep cleanings is to halt the advancement of gum disease.

When Do I Need a Dental Deep Cleaning?

Not every patient needs a thorough cleansing, but it is very common! Deep cleaning could be necessary for patients with gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, or a more severe instance of the condition in order to stop additional harm and prevent tooth loss.

Because gum disease doesn’t usually hurt or exhibit obvious signs, it can be challenging to determine when you require a comprehensive cleaning. However, the following are some red flags to watch out for:

  • persistently unpleasant flavor or odor in the mouth or breath
  • loose or separating permanent teeth
  • gums that bleed easily
  • swollen, irritated, or sensitive gums that have separated from your teeth

At your routine check-up, your dentist can also identify the issue by measuring any gum pocket depths using a probe. Additionally, they could use x-rays to look for bone loss. You will require extensive cleaning to get rid of the infection and encourage healing if the pockets are deeper than what can be addressed with a normal cleaning and adequate at-home maintenance. If the issue is widespread, scale and planning may only be necessary in a few specific locations.

What Happens During a Deep Cleaning: Teeth Cleaning Procedure

In scaling, your periodontist will manually scrape the plaque from your teeth above and below your gum line using a hand-held dental scaler. A water spray and an ultrasonic tool with a vibrating metal tip may also be used to remove tartar. Root planing, which is more like rubbing, is used to smooth down rough areas on the roots of your teeth so that bacteria will find it more difficult to adhere to them in the future. To eliminate bacteria that are difficult to reach, an antibiotic gel may occasionally be put to the teeth during cleaning; in other cases, oral antibiotics or a specialized antibiotic mouthwash may be recommended. For this procedure, which takes two appointments instead of one, we can treat half of your mouth at each appointment.

Does a Dental Deep Cleaning Hurt?

For the most part, no! Since scaling and planning can be uncomfortable, your gums will be numbed with a local anesthetic before the cleaning procedure begins. In the days following the surgery, your gums might be a little sensitive and bleed a little bit when you clean your teeth. For the first few days after treatment, your teeth can also be sensitive to heat or cold. On rare occasions, it could take a few weeks for all sensitivity to subside. A mouthwash or over-the-counter painkiller may be suggested by your dentist. Desensitizing toothpaste may also be helpful. A little discomfort is definitely worth a brand-new, shining smile!

After Your Teeth Cleaning Procedure

Aftercare for your teeth cleaning will be a breeze! You will receive home maintenance guidelines following a deep cleaning that are tailored to your specific circumstances. A follow-up session to make sure you’re healing properly will probably be planned 4-6 weeks later. Additionally, you might be advised to do more frequent regular cleanings for a predetermined amount of time. This serves to promote healing and stop the spread of illness. To make sure your gums are getting better, the pocketing will continue to be measured. Most patients have excellent responses to deep cleaning, and with proper aftercare, their gum health quickly improves. Your gums will heal and your pockets will gradually get smaller and your smile will thank you!