Emergency Dentist Treatments: What Will a Dentist Do In An Emergency?

Casey Ledford2 August 2023

Emergency dental treatments involve addressing urgent dental problems that need to be treated right away in order to stop the pain, avoid further difficulties, or save a tooth from irreparable harm. Accidents, injuries, sudden infections, or unexpected deterioration of pre-existing dental diseases can all result in these emergencies. The following is a thorough explanation of some typical emergency dental treatments and what a dentist would do in each circumstance:

Severe Toothache

Numerous conditions, including dental decay, an abscessed tooth, or a broken tooth, can result in a severe toothache. To determine what is causing the pain, the dentist will conduct a comprehensive examination. To evaluate the state of the tooth, they may perform X-rays in the mouth. The options for treatment might include:

  • Prescribing pain-relieving medications.
  • Performing a root canal procedure to remove the infected or damaged pulp and relieve the pain.
  • Extracting the tooth if it is beyond repair.

Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is a collection of fluid usually caused by a bacterial infection. It may result in fever, swelling, and intense pain. For this procedure, the dentist may:

  • Drain the abscess to release fluid and relieve pressure.
  • Give antibiotic prescriptions to treat the infection.
  • Identify the abscess’s root cause, which may require addressing dental decay or undergoing a root canal.

Knocked-Out Tooth

To increase the likelihood of a successful re-implantation, immediate action is essential if a tooth is knocked out due to an accident or injury. Some steps the dentist may take include: 

  • Advise the patient to handle the tooth by the crown (top part) and avoid touching the root.
  • Rinse the tooth gently with water if it’s dirty.
  • Attempt to reinsert the tooth into its socket, ensuring it is facing the correct way.
  • If reinsertion is not possible, the dentist may store the tooth in a container and transport it to the dental office.
  • Re-implant the tooth and stabilize it with a splint if necessary.

Broken or Fractured Tooth

A broken or fractured tooth can cause pain and sensitivity. You can expect the dentist to:

  • Examine the extent of the fracture and assess any damage to the nerve or pulp.
  • Restore the tooth using dental bonding, a crown, or a veneer, depending on the severity of the fracture.
  • Perform a root canal if the fracture extends into the pulp.

Lost Filling or Crown

A tooth that has lost a filling or crown may become exposed and painful. The dentist will:

  • Examine the tooth and clean the surrounding area.
  • Put in a new filling or re-cement the crown.

Dislodged Tooth

A dislodged tooth is one that has been pushed out of its original position but is still in the socket. The dentist will most likely:

  • Gently realign the tooth and support it with a splint for a while to facilitate healing.
  • Monitor the tooth closely to assess its long-term success.

When Should You Seek Help for a Dental Emergency?

It’s crucial to remember that it is always advised to call your dentist right away if you have a dental emergency. They will arrange for immediate treatment to reduce discomfort and avoid potential consequences as well as provide additional information. Seek treatment at the closest emergency dental clinic or hospital if a dire issue arises after regular business hours.

How We Can Help

A Cosmetic Dentistry Grant is for anyone who wishes to enhance their oral health and restore confidence in their smile, but you must first meet eligibility requirements. Apply now with CDG to see if you’re eligible!